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Web Help: General Options

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1.On the Project tab, in the Project group, click Project Options.

2.In the Project Options dialog, in the left sidebar, click Web Help.

3.Change the parameters that you need.

4.Click OK.


Below is a description of the parameters in this section.


Help Properties


Allows you to define a custom title for the Web Help system. By default, the help project's general title is used.



Allows you to define custom copyright information for the Web Help system. By default, the help project's general copyright information is used.



Allows you to specify a logo for your Web Help system by selecting an image file in the project's Media Repository. The selected image will be displayed by the Web Help's template which contains an image element which uses the %#LogoImageRef% variable as the image file reference.



Page Title

Specifies the format of the Web Help system's page title displayed by the web browser in the caption area. For the page title, you can select one of the presets from the drop-down list (for example: "%#HelpTitle% - %#TopicDocTitle%"), or define your own format that you need.


Folder name

Specifies the name of the sub-folder (within the Web Help's output folder) where HelpSmith will save the HTML files of the topics during the compilation of your Web Help system.


Remark: For a help project created with a previous HelpSmith version (prior to version 10.0), this folder is named "topics", which makes it possible for external links to the topic files to work as previously. However, a newly created help project uses an empty name for this folder, so the HTML files of the topics will be saved directly in the Web Help's root folder.


File extension

Specifies the file extension of the topic files that will be generated during the compilation of the Web Help system.


Google Settings

Google Analytics Tracking ID

Specifies the Tracking ID that allows you to integrate the Web Help system with the Google Analytics service. Google Analytics allows you to get reports of your user audiences and traffic sources.


Create Google Sitemap

If selected, HelpSmith will generate a Google Sitemap file during the compilation of the Web Help system. A sitemap file is used to provide better indexing and ranking of the whole help system in Google.


Web Help URL

Specifies the URL location of the Web Help system on a web server. The URL is required to generate the Google Sitemap file properly.


Output Properties

Create Index

Allows you to enable (or disable) the Index tab in the Web Help system.


Remark: Please note that for the Index tab to appear, you should associate topics with keywords.


Lower case for file names

If selected, HelpSmith will automatically convert all the filenames and directories used within the Web Help system into the lower case. This option is useful to prevent potential access problems on UNIX-based servers that have a case-sensitive file system.


Remark: If you activate this option on an existing help project for the first time, you may need to clear your Web Help output folder and re-compile the help project.


SEO friendly topic file names

Allows you to generate SEO-friendly filenames for the topics in a Web Help system.


Remark: HelpSmith uses topic IDs to generate filenames for the topic files during the Web Help system compilation. If this option is selected, the "_" characters in the filenames will be replaced with hyphens ("-"). Since these filenames can be used to create links to topics in a Web Help system from external websites, this option allows you to have URLs which are better for indexing by search engines.


Load data dynamically

If selected, the Web Help system will dynamically load TOC, keyword index, topic table, full-text search index, and other data. While this option provides faster loading of the Web Help system, it requires that the web help system to be located and accessed from a web server only.


Remark: If you need to create a Web Help system that will be accessed not only from a web server (through the http:// or https:// protocol), but also from the local computer directly (through the file:// protocol), you should disable this option.



Display as

Specifies the style of tabs in the navigation pane in the Web Help system.


Default topic template

Allows you to set the default template that will be applied to the help topics when you compile the Web Help system. Please note that individual topics can override this setting and either use a different template or use no template.


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