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Help Authoring Articles

Technical Articles

Documentation Formats

Create CHM Help Files with a Complete Help Authoring Tool

Create CHM Help Files with a Complete Help Authoring Tool

If you need to create a CHM help file for your Windows application, you can produce it with HelpSmith (which you can [...]
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Create a Responsive Online Help System for Your Product Easily

Create a Responsive Online Help System for Your Product Easily

An online help system available on the website of a product or web-based service allows the users to quickly find [...]
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Creating an Excellent Printed Manual in a Couple of Clicks

Creating an Excellent Printed Manual in a Couple of Clicks

While you can use HelpSmith to create electronic documentation (such as Web Help and .CHM help files) and printa [...]
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Using the Help Authoring Tool to Create Adobe PDF Documents

Using the Help Authoring Tool to Create Adobe PDF Documents

Adobe PDF is the industry standard that is widely used to deliver documentation of any kinds including technic [...]
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Generating Microsoft Word Documents with HelpSmith

Generating Microsoft Word Documents with HelpSmith

Microsoft Word is a de-facto standard word processing application that is used by millions of people to create a [...]
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How to Create an ePub eBook from Your Help Project

How to Create an ePub eBook from Your Help Project

The ePub format is widely used to create and deliver electronic books (or eBooks) that readers can view on speci [...]
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Creation of help files and manuals

Help Authoring Tool to Create a CHM Help File, Web Help, PDF Manual, Microsoft Word, ePub eBook, or Markdown document

Help Authoring Tool to Create a CHM Help File, Web Help, PDF Manual, Microsoft Word, ePub eBook, or Markdown document

If you are looking for a help authoring tool to create a CHM help file, online Web Help system, or PDF manual, you c [...]
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How to Create a CHM Help File, Online Help System, or PDF Manual

How to Create a CHM Help File, Online Help System, or PDF Manual

In this article you will learn how you can create a CHM help file, online Web Help system, or PDF manual using a [...]
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Create Help for the User Interface of Your Application Automatically

Create Help for the User Interface of Your Application Automatically

Writing documentation for user interfaces is an essential part of work on the help file for your desktop or web appl [...]
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Using Image Tool to Create Annotations for Screenshots

Using Image Tool to Create Annotations for Screenshots

HelpSmith provides a built-in Image Tool that you can use to capture screenshots, create annotations for images, add [...]
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How to Use GitHub to Work on a Help Project Collaboratively

How to Use GitHub to Work on a Help Project Collaboratively

If you need to work on documentation by several authors, you can use the ability of the HelpSmith help authoring [...]
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Help System Integration

How to Connect HTML Help with your .NET Application

How to Connect HTML Help with your .NET Application

If you are a .NET (C#, VB.NET, etc.) developer, you can easily integrate an HTML Help (CHM) system with your appl [...]
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How to Connect HTML Help with your Visual Basic/VBA Application

How to Connect HTML Help with your Visual Basic/VBA Application

If you are a Visual Basic/VBA (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, etc) developer, you can integrate an HTML Help (.CHM) s [...]
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How to Connect HTML Help with your Delphi Application

How to Connect HTML Help with your Delphi Application

If you are a Delphi developer, you can easily integrate an HTML Help (CHM) system with your application since mod [...]
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Tips & Tricks

Why My CHM File is not Displayed Correctly

Why My CHM File is not Displayed Correctly

You are trying to open a CHM file but get a message like "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" or "This program c [...]
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Using Templates

Using Templates

It is well known that a help system consists of a set of topics. As in most cases all topics should have a unifo [...]
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Create CHM HTML Help Files Easily

Create CHM HTML Help Files Easily

About HTML Help (CHM) Format Nowadays, HTML Help CHM is the standard help format used in most modern Windows [...]
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How to Create a Web Help System

How to Create a Web Help System

Why You Need Web Help on your Website Web Help (or browser-based Help) is a help system that can be uploaded to y [...]
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The New Web Help System Format Overview

The New Web Help System Format Overview

HelpSmith 4.0 introduces a completely redesigned Web Help system format. The main idea behind the new Web Help was t [...]
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