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Editing Build Tags

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1.On the Project tab, in the Project group, click Project Options.

2.In the Project Options dialog, in the left sidebar, under General, click Build Tags.

3.Change the parameters that you need.

4.Click OK.


Below is a description of the parameters in this section:


Add a Build Tag

1.In the Build Tags group, click Add.

2.In the dialog, in the Build Tag Id box, enter a unique name for the new build tag. Optionally, in the Comment box, you can also enter a comment for the build tag.

3.Click OK.


Edit a Build Tag

1.In the Build Tags group, click the build tag whose properties you want to modify.

2.Click Edit.

3.In the dialog, change the properties you want.

4.Click OK.


Delete a Build Tag

1.In the Build Tags group, click the build tag that you want to delete.

2.Click Delete.


Remark: Reserved build tags that correspond to the output help formats cannot be deleted or edited.


Dead Links Processing

When you exclude a topic from a compilation, the hyperlinks that link to that topic from other topics become invalid. You can specify a "Dead Links" processing mode or use other techniques to prevent such invalid hyperlinks in a compiled help system. For more information, please refer to this topic.


Related Links

Conditional Compilation: Overview

Defining Conditions

Including/Excluding Help Topics

Conditional Text

Conditions in HTML Code

Compiling Help Project with Build Tags

Processing Dead Links

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