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Child Items

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The entry of the Child Items type allows you to generate a list of links to topics and web pages by the child items of a specific TOC item.


Edit Settings of a "Child Items" Entry

1.In the link editor, double-click on the "Child Items" entry that you want to edit.

2.In the dialog, modify the settings according to your needs.

3.Click OK.


Child Items Settings

On the Childs Items tab, you can specify how to process the child items of the selected parent TOC item, limit the number of sub-levels, and also set the TOC item types (e.g. Topics, URL Links) that you want to include to the link set.


Export child items as single-level list

If selected, the child items of the selected parent TOC item (on any nested sub-levels) will be displayed as a single-level list in the generated list of links.


Limit the number of levels to process

Specifies the maximum number of nested sub-levels (relative to the selected parent TOC item) to get child items from while generating the list of links.



If selected, TOC items of the "Topic" type will be included to the generated list of links.


URL Links

If selected, TOC items of the "Web Page" type will be included to the generated list of links.



Applies the current settings and closes the dialog window.



Discards the changes to the settings and closes the dialog window.



Related Links

Related Links: Overview

Parent Item

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