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Image Properties: Export

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The functionality described in this topic is available in HelpSmith Professional (or higher) edition only.


Edit Export Settings

1.In the Image Tool, on the toolbar, click Image Properties.

2.On the Export tab, modify the settings according with your needs.

3.Click OK.


Export Settings

On this tab, you can customize font, table borders, and other parameters related to exporting control annotations to the topic.


Table Format

Allows you to set the preferred width and horizontal alignment of the annotation tables.


Title Border

Border settings such as style, width, and color that are used for the cell containing the annotation title in the topic.


Table Borders

Border settings such as style, width, and color that are used for the top and bottom borders of the annotation table in the topic. Please note that when you export control annotations into the topic, each annotation has a separate table that can contain the annotation number, title, description, and control image.


Do not add top border for first table

If selected, the border settings will not be applied to the top border of the first table containing the corresponding annotation in the topic. Please note that when you export control annotations into the topic, each annotation has a separate table that can contain the annotation number, title, description, and control image.


Do not add bottom border for last table

If selected, the border settings will not be applied to the bottom border of the last table containing the corresponding annotation in the topic. Please note that when you export control annotations into the topic, each annotation has a separate table that can contain the annotation number, title, description, and control image.


Fit control images to size

Specifies the maximal size for the control image in the document. If selected, controls with larger size will be automatically scaled to fit to the specified bounds.


Title Font

Font settings applied to the titles of control annotations in the topic.


Description Font

Font settings applied to the descriptions of control annotations in the topic.



Allows you to export (or import) image properties to (or from) a file. Also, you can reset the image properties to the default state.


Set as default

If selected, the current image properties will apply to a new image as default.



Applies the current settings and closes the dialog window.



Discards the changes to the settings and closes the dialog window.



Related Links

Image Tool: Overview

Inserting a Screenshot

Adding Annotations to an Image

Exporting Control Annotations to the Topic

Using Control Annotations

Using Hotspots

Editing Image Properties

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